To illustrate how Evire's Asset Tokenization libraries can be utilized in a smart contract, we'll provide an example library that facilitates the tokenization of real-world assets. This example will focus on a basic implementation for tokenizing real estate assets.
We use OpenZeppelin's ERC721 standard to represent the real estate as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The Ownable contract ensures that only the contract owner can perform certain actions.
This struct holds details about each property, including its unique ID, location, valuation, and sale status.
The tokenizeProperty function allows the owner to create a new property token. This function mints a new ERC721 token, sets its metadata (location), and stores the property details.
The setForSale function allows the owner to mark a property as available for sale and set its valuation.
The buyProperty function allows someone to purchase a property that is for sale by sending the appropriate amount of Ether. The ownership of the token is transferred, and the previous owner is paid.
Example of Usage:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragmasolidity ^0.8.0;import"./RWAFW/RealEstateToken.sol";contractExtendedRealEstateTokenisRealEstateToken {structCoOwner {address owner;uint256 share; // Percentage of ownership }mapping(uint256=> CoOwner[]) public coOwners;mapping(uint256=>uint256) public rentalIncome;mapping(uint256=>mapping(address=>uint256)) public withdrawnDividends;eventDividendWithdrawn(uint256 tokenId, address coOwner, uint256 amount);eventBidPlaced(uint256 tokenId, address bidder, uint256 bidAmount);eventBidAccepted(uint256 tokenId, address previousOwner, address newOwner, uint256 bidAmount);functionaddCoOwner(uint256_tokenId,address_coOwner,uint256_share) publiconlyOwnerOf(_tokenId) { coOwners[_tokenId].push(CoOwner({ owner: _coOwner, share: _share })); }functiondistributeRentalIncome(uint256_tokenId,uint256_amount) publiconlyOwnerOf(_tokenId) { rentalIncome[_tokenId] += _amount; }functionwithdrawDividend(uint256_tokenId) public {uint256 totalIncome = rentalIncome[_tokenId];require(totalIncome >0,"No income to withdraw");uint256 ownerShare;for (uint256 i =0; i < coOwners[_tokenId].length; i++) {if (coOwners[_tokenId][i].owner == msg.sender) { ownerShare = coOwners[_tokenId][i].share;break; } }uint256 withdrawableAmount = (totalIncome * ownerShare /100) - withdrawnDividends[_tokenId][msg.sender];require(withdrawableAmount >0,"No dividends to withdraw"); withdrawnDividends[_tokenId][msg.sender] += withdrawableAmount;payable(msg.sender).transfer(withdrawableAmount);emitDividendWithdrawn(_tokenId, msg.sender, withdrawableAmount); }functionplaceBid(uint256_tokenId) publicpayable {require(properties[_tokenId].forSale,"Property not for sale");require(msg.value > properties[_tokenId].valuation,"Bid is too low");emitBidPlaced(_tokenId, msg.sender, msg.value); }functionacceptBid(uint256_tokenId,address_bidder,uint256_bidAmount) publiconlyOwnerOf(_tokenId) {require(properties[_tokenId].forSale,"Property not for sale");require(_bidAmount > properties[_tokenId].valuation,"Bid amount is too low");address previousOwner =ownerOf(_tokenId);_transfer(previousOwner, _bidder, _tokenId); properties[_tokenId].forSale =false;payable(previousOwner).transfer(_bidAmount);emitBidAccepted(_tokenId, previousOwner, _bidder, _bidAmount); }functiongetCoOwners(uint256_tokenId) publicviewreturns (CoOwner[] memory) {return coOwners[_tokenId]; }}
The CoOwner struct allows multiple addresses to own a share of the property. The addCoOwner function assigns shares to different co-owners.
The contract manages rental income distribution through distributeRentalIncome and allows co-owners to withdraw their share of the rental income using withdrawDividend.
The contract supports a bidding mechanism where potential buyers can place bids on properties that are for sale, and owners can accept these bids through placeBid and acceptBid.
Events like DividendWithdrawn, BidPlaced, and BidAccepted provide a way to track important actions within the contract.
This example demonstrates how to build a real estate management system using Solidity and the RealEstateToken.sol library. It covers tokenization, co-ownership, rental income distribution and a bidding system, showcasing the versatility and power of Solidity for creating advanced blockchain applications.