Example: Secure and Fair Random Number Generation Library

1. Smart Contract for RNG

This smart contract will generate random numbers in a secure and transparent manner.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SecureRNG {
    uint256 private nonce;
    address private owner;
    event RandomNumberGenerated(uint256 randomNumber, address indexed requester);

    constructor() {
        owner = msg.sender;
        nonce = 0;

    // Modifier to restrict access to certain functions
    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "Not authorized");

    // Internal function to generate a random number
    function generateRandomNumber() internal returns (uint256) {
        uint256 randomNumber = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp, msg.sender, nonce)));
        return randomNumber;
    // Public function to request a random number
    function requestRandomNumber() public returns (uint256) {
        uint256 randomNumber = generateRandomNumber();
        emit RandomNumberGenerated(randomNumber, msg.sender);
        return randomNumber;
    // Function to reset the nonce for added security
    function resetNonce() public onlyOwner {
        nonce = 0;

2. Explanation of the Contract

  • A counter that changes with each request to ensure unpredictability.

  • Uses keccak256 to hash the combination of the current block timestamp, the requester's address, and the nonce. This ensures the randomness and security of the generated number.

  • Emits an event every time a random number is generated, providing transparency and allowing for tracking of requests.

3. Deployment and Interaction

Deploying the contract and interacting with it can be done using a blockchain development environment like Truffle or Hardhat.

const SecureRNG = artifacts.require("SecureRNG");

module.exports = function (deployer) {

4. Testing the RNG

Create a test script to ensure the RNG works as expected.

const SecureRNG = artifacts.require("SecureRNG");

contract("SecureRNG", accounts => {
    it("should generate a random number", async () => {
        const rngInstance = await SecureRNG.deployed();
        const randomNumber = await rngInstance.requestRandomNumber.call();
        console.log("Generated Random Number: ", randomNumber.toString());
        assert(randomNumber, "Random number should be generated");

Benefits of This Implementation

  1. The use of keccak256 ensures the randomness is cryptographically secure.

  2. Emitting events for each random number generation allows for public tracking.

  3. Since the number generation is tied to block data and user-specific inputs, it is resistant to manipulation by either players or developers.

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