Example: AI Model Deployment

This Solidity smart contract example demonstrates how to deploy and interact with an AI model trained off-chain, within the Evire blockchain environment. The contract includes functions to set and retrieve AI model outputs and integrates basic model versioning and management features. It assumes that the AI model performs computations off-chain and the results are then stored on-chain via this contract.

This example is designed to illustrate the integration and deployment phase of AI models in the Evire blockchain framework. It highlights how developers can manage AI model versions and outputs securely on the blockchain, providing a practical solution for maintaining the integrity and availability of AI-driven applications in a decentralized manner.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

 * @title AI Model Deployment Contract
 * This contract manages the deployment, versioning, and interaction of an off-chain trained AI model within the Evire blockchain.
contract AIModelDeploymentContract {
    // Model outputs stored by model version and identifier
    mapping(uint => mapping(bytes32 => string)) private modelOutputs;

    // Latest version of the model
    uint private latestVersion;

    // Event to indicate model output update
    event ModelOutputUpdated(uint version, bytes32 identifier, string output);

    // Event to indicate new model version
    event ModelVersionUpdated(uint version);

     * @dev Stores the output of an AI model
     * @param version The version of the model
     * @param identifier A unique identifier for the model output (could be a hash of input data)
     * @param output The output provided by the AI model
    function storeModelOutput(uint version, bytes32 identifier, string memory output) public {
        require(version <= latestVersion, "Cannot use an outdated model version.");
        modelOutputs[version][identifier] = output;
        emit ModelOutputUpdated(version, identifier, output);

     * @dev Retrieves the output of an AI model
     * @param version The version of the model
     * @param identifier The unique identifier for the model output
     * @return output The stored output of the AI model
    function getModelOutput(uint version, bytes32 identifier) public view returns (string memory output) {
        require(bytes(modelOutputs[version][identifier]).length > 0, "No output available for this identifier.");
        return modelOutputs[version][identifier];

     * @dev Updates to a new version of the AI model
     * @param newVersion The new version number, must be higher than the latest version
    function updateModelVersion(uint newVersion) public {
        require(newVersion > latestVersion, "New version must be greater than the latest version.");
        latestVersion = newVersion;
        emit ModelVersionUpdated(newVersion);

     * @dev Gets the latest version of the AI model
     * @return The latest model version
    function getLatestModelVersion() public view returns (uint) {
        return latestVersion;

Explanation of Key Components:

  • Model Versioning: The contract maintains a latestVersion to ensure that only outputs from the current or previous valid versions are stored and retrieved. This helps in managing the lifecycle of the AI model as it evolves.

  • Model Output Management: Outputs for each model version are stored with unique identifiers, which can be used to retrieve specific results. This system supports scenarios where multiple outputs need to be managed distinctly, such as different predictions or computational results from the same AI model.

  • Security and Integrity: The contract uses basic access control (e.g., checking model versions) to ensure that data integrity is maintained and only valid interactions are allowed.

This example serves as a foundational template for developers looking to integrate AI model management within their blockchain applications on Evire, highlighting the platform's capabilities to support advanced AI functionalities securely and efficiently.

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