Example: Game State Management Library

The role of this library would be to facilitate robust and secure game state management within decentralized gaming applications on the Evire blockchain. This library would provide essential functions to ensure that all changes within the game - such as player progress, in-game decisions, and character development - are accurately recorded and immutable.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

library GameStateManager {
    struct GameState {
        uint256 playerId;
        string playerName;
        uint256 level;
        uint256 experience;
        mapping(uint256 => uint256) assets; // Asset ID to quantity
        // Additional game-specific state variables
    event GameStateInitialized(uint256 playerId, string playerName);
    event GameStateUpdated(uint256 playerId, uint256 level, uint256 experience);
    event PlayerActionLogged(uint256 playerId, string action);
    event AssetTransferred(uint256 fromPlayerId, uint256 toPlayerId, uint256 assetId, uint256 quantity);
    function initializeState(GameState storage state, uint256 playerId, string memory playerName) public {
        state.playerId = playerId;
        state.playerName = playerName;
        state.level = 1;
        state.experience = 0;
        emit GameStateInitialized(playerId, playerName);
    function updateState(GameState storage state, uint256 newLevel, uint256 newExperience) public {
        state.level = newLevel;
        state.experience = newExperience;
        emit GameStateUpdated(state.playerId, newLevel, newExperience);
    function logPlayerAction(GameState storage state, string memory action) public {
        emit PlayerActionLogged(state.playerId, action);
    function transferAsset(GameState storage fromState, GameState storage toState, uint256 assetId, uint256 quantity) public {
        require(fromState.assets[assetId] >= quantity, "Insufficient assets");
        fromState.assets[assetId] -= quantity;
        toState.assets[assetId] += quantity;
        emit AssetTransferred(fromState.playerId, toState.playerId, assetId, quantity);
    // Additional functions for managing character attributes, handling game events, etc.

The GameStateManager library ensures the integrity of game state data, providing a secure and reliable foundation for developing decentralized games on the Evire blockchain.

Integration Example:

In a smart contract managing the game:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./GamingFW/GameStateManager.sol";

contract GameContract {
    using GameStateManager for GameStateManager.GameState;
    mapping(uint256 => GameStateManager.GameState) private gameStates;

    function createNewPlayer(uint256 playerId, string memory playerName) public {
        gameStates[playerId].initializeState(playerId, playerName);

    function updatePlayerState(uint256 playerId, uint256 newLevel, uint256 newExperience) public {
        gameStates[playerId].updateState(newLevel, newExperience);

    function playerAction(uint256 playerId, string memory action) public {

    function transferPlayerAsset(uint256 fromPlayerId, uint256 toPlayerId, uint256 assetId, uint256 quantity) public {
        gameStates[fromPlayerId].transferAsset(gameStates[toPlayerId], assetId, quantity);
    // Additional functions for managing game logic


  1. Initialization and State Management:

    • Initialize game state for new players or sessions.

    • Save and update player progress securely.

    • Retrieve current game state for validation and synchronization.

  2. Player Actions and Events:

    • Log player actions and decisions to ensure a consistent game narrative.

    • Record in-game events and their impact on the game state.

  3. Character and Asset Management:

    • Manage the state of player characters, including attributes, inventory, and skills.

    • Handle the creation, transfer, and destruction of in-game assets.

  4. Security and Integrity:

    • Use cryptographic techniques to ensure data integrity and prevent tampering.

    • Implement access controls to restrict unauthorized modifications.

  5. Integration with Game Logic:

    • Provide APIs for seamless integration with the game’s logic and mechanics.

    • Support for off-chain computations to enhance performance and scalability.

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