
The Evire project leverages its native token, EVIRE, an ERC20 token on the Ethereum network, as a primary means of funding. The tokenomics are designed to support ongoing development and ecosystem growth through a transaction tax mechanism.

Transaction Tax Breakdown

When the EVIRE token is traded on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, a 5% tax is applied on both purchases and sales. This tax is distributed as follows:

  • 1% for the development and expansion of the blockchain ecosystem

  • 1% for the AI framework

  • 1% for the gaming framework

  • 1% for the Real World Assets (RWA) framework

  • 1% for the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) framework

Funding Simulation

To understand the potential financial impact of this mechanism, consider an average daily trading volume of $500,000 for the EVIRE token. With a 5% transaction tax, the total daily tax revenue would be $25,000. This revenue is distributed across various initiatives as follows:

  • Development and Ecosystem Expansion: $5,000

  • AI Framework: $5,000

  • Gaming Framework: $5,000

  • RWA Framework: $5,000

  • DePIN Framework: $5,000

This model ensures a sustainable funding stream that supports the continuous development and growth of the Evire blockchain and its associated frameworks without the need to sell tokens held in reserves.

Financial Forecast Chart

Below is a simulated financial forecast chart illustrating the growth of the development fund based on the assumed daily trading volume and tax distribution.

This chart projects the steady accumulation of funds over a year, showcasing how the consistent trading volume can sustainably support the various initiatives under the Evire project. This approach ensures that the project has the necessary financial resources to advance its development and expansion efforts continuously.

Last updated