▪️High-Level Architecture

Core Blockchain Layer

At the base, Evire operates on a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, optimized for high throughput and reduced energy consumption. This layer handles all blockchain-specific operations such as transaction processing, block creation and consensus.

Framework Layer

Above the core blockchain layer, there are multiple specialized frameworks each dedicated to a particular domain. These frameworks provide the necessary libraries, APIs and smart contracts tailored to meet the needs of different applications like AI integration or asset tokenization.

Service Layer

This layer includes services for analytics, monitoring and orchestration tools that support the operation and management of decentralized networks and applications running on the Evire blockchain.

Application Layer

The topmost layer where actual dApps reside. Developers can build and deploy applications that utilize the underlying frameworks and services. This layer is also where user interfaces and client-side logic are implemented to interact with the blockchain.

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