Example: AI-Powered Predictive Analytics dApp

  1. Smart Contract for Task Submission

First, we need a smart contract that allows users to submit AI computation tasks.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract AIComputeTask {
    uint public taskCount = 0;

    struct Task {
        uint id;
        address requester;
        string dataHash;
        string modelType;
        uint reward;
        bool completed;
        string resultHash;

    mapping(uint => Task) public tasks;

    event TaskCreated(uint id, address requester, string dataHash, string modelType, uint reward);
    event TaskCompleted(uint id, string resultHash);

    function createTask(string memory dataHash, string memory modelType) public payable {
        require(msg.value > 0, "Reward must be greater than zero");

        tasks[taskCount] = Task(taskCount, msg.sender, dataHash, modelType, msg.value, false, "");

        emit TaskCreated(taskCount, msg.sender, dataHash, modelType, msg.value);

    function completeTask(uint taskId, string memory resultHash) public {
        Task storage task = tasks[taskId];
        require(task.id == taskId, "Task does not exist");
        require(!task.completed, "Task already completed");

        task.completed = true;
        task.resultHash = resultHash;


        emit TaskCompleted(taskId, resultHash);
  1. Off-Chain Compute Node Setup

Next, we configure the off-chain compute nodes to listen for new tasks, perform the computations, and submit the results back to the smart contract.

import requests
from web3 import Web3

# Initialize web3
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('https://your-eth-node-url'))

# Contract ABI and address
contract_abi = '[...]'  # Replace with actual ABI
contract_address = '0xYourContractAddress'

# Load the contract
contract = w3.eth.contract(address=contract_address, abi=contract_abi)

# Function to listen for new tasks
def listen_for_tasks():
    event_filter = contract.events.TaskCreated.createFilter(fromBlock='latest')
    while True:
        for event in event_filter.get_new_entries():

def handle_task_event(event):
    task_id = event['args']['id']
    data_hash = event['args']['dataHash']
    model_type = event['args']['modelType']

    # Fetch data and perform computation (mock example)
    result = perform_ai_computation(data_hash, model_type)

    # Submit result back to the contract
    submit_result(task_id, result)

def perform_ai_computation(data_hash, model_type):
    # Simulate AI computation (replace with actual model execution)
    result_hash = "computed_result_hash_based_on_" + data_hash
    return result_hash

def submit_result(task_id, result_hash):
    tx = contract.functions.completeTask(task_id, result_hash).buildTransaction({
        'from': w3.eth.defaultAccount,
        'nonce': w3.eth.getTransactionCount(w3.eth.defaultAccount)
    signed_tx = w3.eth.account.signTransaction(tx, private_key='your_private_key')

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. Load Balancing and Incentive Mechanism

We ensure that tasks are efficiently distributed among compute nodes and that nodes are incentivized based on performance.

import random
from queue import PriorityQueue

# Priority queue to manage compute node load
compute_nodes = PriorityQueue()

# Register compute nodes
def register_node(node_address, compute_power):
    compute_nodes.put((compute_power, node_address))

# Assign task to the node with highest compute power available
def assign_task_to_node(task_id, data_hash, model_type):
    if not compute_nodes.empty():
        compute_power, node_address = compute_nodes.get()
        # Send task details to the selected node
        response = requests.post(f"http://{node_address}/perform_task", json={
            'task_id': task_id,
            'data_hash': data_hash,
            'model_type': model_type
        # Reinsert node into queue with updated compute power (mock logic)
        new_compute_power = max(0, compute_power - random.randint(1, 10))  # Ensure compute power doesn't go negative
        compute_nodes.put((new_compute_power, node_address))
        return response.json()
        print("No compute nodes available")
        return None
  1. Security Audits and Compliance

Regular audits and compliance checks are crucial to maintain trust and security in the framework.

import hashlib

def perform_security_audit(task_id, data_hash, result_hash):
    # Verify data integrity (mock logic)
    expected_result_hash = hashlib.sha256(data_hash.encode()).hexdigest()
    if expected_result_hash == result_hash:
        print(f"Task {task_id} passed security audit")
        return True
        print(f"Task {task_id} failed security audit")
        return False

# Example usage
task_id = 1
data_hash = "example_data_hash"
result_hash = perform_ai_computation(data_hash, "example_model")
if perform_security_audit(task_id, data_hash, result_hash):
    submit_result(task_id, result_hash)

This example provides a full lifecycle from task creation, off-chain computation, result submission, load balancing, and security auditing within the Evire Off-Chain Compute Framework. By leveraging smart contracts, decentralized compute nodes, and robust security measures, developers can efficiently handle complex AI tasks off-chain while maintaining blockchain integrity and trust .

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